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And She Spoke
An insider’s peek into the strategies and mental resilience it takes to create and run six- and seven-figure online businesses. As women entrepreneurs, only 2% of us will ever earn a million dollars. We’re on a mission to change that statistic by chronicling our journey and sharing our proven playbook.
Podcast Topics:
Mindset | Female Founders | Technology | Money | Online Strategy
Brig Johnson and Being Your Own Hero
Brig Johnson is a full-time life and mindset coach with a mission: helping high-achieving Black women work through their internalized biases, manage their emotions, and unlock their full potential. In this week’s episode, Brig breaks down how she self-coached her way to her big career switch by practicing empathy, being confident in her capability to learn new skills, and creating self-sufficiency. She also talks about the power that comes with acceptance, her ever-evolving business niche, and the philosophy that finally led her to pull the trigger and make that big, bold career change.
The Debt Mindset
Most of us have been in debt at some point in our lives. Despite that, debt is still associated with shame. We’ve been socialized to believe that our debt is something we need to be ashamed of, that there’s something inherently wrong with us if we have to pay off loans. Which means we treat debt like a dirty secret. And it’s something we never talk about. In today’s episode, we’re sharing our own experiences with debt, what we learned from having to pay off 6 figures in student loans, why we think debt can be a good thing, and more!
Sadie Nardini and Stepping Away From The Stereotype
Sadie Nardini is an absolute force. She’s the founder of Core Strength Vinyasa (CSV) Yoga and The Yoga Shred, both of which have brought big, beautiful changes to the contemporary yoga game. She was one of the first yogis to take training to YouTube, currently runs the Fit and Fierce Club, and just when you think she can’t get any cooler - she’s also the lead singer of her band Sadie & The Tribe.
In this week’s episode, Sadie gets into the nitty-gritty of how she kick-started her career as a fitness creator, her entry into the yoga scene of New York after moving from Seattle, and the exact moment she chose to embrace herself over what she was expected to be as a yogini.
Daisy Onubogu and Breaking Down Systematic Inequality
Back in February, we discovered an amazing article on Medium titled ‘Underrepresented Founders are Merely Collateral Damage’. After spending 13 minutes reading it (with our jaws hanging open), we immediately reached out to our podcast team. We knew we HAD to have Daisy Onubogu, the author of the article, on And She Spoke. Tune into today’s episode to learn more about Daisy’s efforts in understanding, tackling, and changing the diversity issue in VC (aka, the business world’s giant elephant in the room). She discusses everything from WHO benefits from the VC system (don’t we all know the answer to this one?), WHY our current methods of dealing with the diversity problem aren’t really yielding results, and HOW we can actually move forward.
The Tragedy of Future People Pleasing
The hosts know from experience that it is unrealistic to expect everyone to like you and the work you are doing all the time—so in this episode, Sandy and Jeni offer a healthier way to think about criticism, supporters, and success.
The Superpower of Self-Compassion with Kristin Neff
In this episode, we speak with Kristin Neff. As a self-compassion research pioneer and author of two books about self-compassion, Kristin speaks about how self-compassion is the key to happiness and the importance of being kind not only to others but more importantly, to yourself.
Living in the Space of “and” — Balanced Relationships with Naketa Thigpen
Naketa is considered the number one balance and relationship advisor globally, a licensed clinical social worker whose expertise in trauma and psychotherapy has informed the basis of her professional career over the past 25 years. Her company, ThigPro, advises couples on having a happy marriage while also growing a business. One of the keys to success? Women need to work on their relationship with themselves before deepening their relationship with their partners.
Your Path to Wealth: Is it Blocked?
Your Path to Wealth: Is it Blocked? The way women think and feel about money is deeply influenced by our culture and society. We are held back by the generalizations society has labeled us with — women need to scrimp and save while men can (and should) build and acquire wealth. The effect this has on us has become deeply ingrained. We still hear it from many women. We still hear it in our communities. In this very personal episode, we talk about the past and the present of women and money. We speak our minds about the contrast between how men and women are socialized and how to break the cycle. The Mindset shifts needed to generate wealth and abundance mindset, the real cost of over-thinking your expenses, the importance of investing in yourself, and more.
The Way of Integrity with Martha Beck
Martha Beck, New York Times bestselling author, a speaker, and a life coach, shares about how social pressure can be a benevolent problem for entrepreneurs – “it’s forcing us to find ourselves”. We delve into what we can learn about mentorship from the hero’s saga, and how committing to your integrity can be a force for social change. Finally, the vital importance of self-care, which Martha sees as a radical action.
Inclusivity and Accessibility in Wellness with Veneé McGee
Veneé McGee, a "Spiritual activator” and founder of Ebb & Flow Collective, openly shares about how the past can be used to build up instead of break down your future, how "The Secret" and the "Law of Attraction" turned her life around, and how her healing and spiritual journey paved the way to Ebb and Flow Collective.
Finding Your Community and Discovering Where You Truly Belong with Emilia van Hauen
In this episode, Emilia van Hauen, a Cultural Sociologist, talks about communities, relationships, and human connection in a pandemic, and post-pandemic world.
When Women Are the Storytellers, the Human Story Changes with Elizabeth Lesser
In this episode, Elizabeth digs into women, voices, stories, and power. She also shares some personal stories, so make sure to stick around until the end to hear her hustle, where she shares a new technique for meditation. Tune in today!
At the Intersection of Personal Development and Personal Finance with Naomi Clark
The major reasons women struggle with making confident financial decisions are the patriarchy and debt-shaming culture
One Year Into the Pandemic
We have grown as leaders, and entrepreneurs, and feminists, and as people. We’ve had to change a lot through this year.
Cathy O’Dowd: Climbing to the Top with Teamwork
We only pay attention to our body when something negative is going on
Finding Your Voice in Virtual Spaces with Casey Erin Clark and Julie Fogh
We only pay attention to our body when something negative is going on
A Money Mindset Makeover with Amina AlTai
The Importance of Money Mindset in your Financial Success.
Healing is an Inside Job with Elizabeth Kendig
Healers can't fix us. Why? Because we're not broken! But they can remind us that we're whole – and that our path to healing comes from within. Healing is an inside job. (Hence the title of this podcast episode 😉 ).
Transforming Self-Improvement with Devon Brooks
You are in charge of managing your own experience in the world! It’s so refreshing to know that we can speak up to create a better experience for ourselves. Feeling stressed? Say so! Need more time to do something important for yourself or your kids? Say no to that other demand vying for your attention!
Break the Good Girl Myth + Unleash Your Power With Majo Molfino
For thousands of years, women have been taught to be good above all else. You know... follow the rules, trust our logic over intuition, keep the peace, make everyone else happy, and sacrifice ourselves to achieve our goals. Whew... glad those days are over... oh wait...they’re not. Being the ‘good girl’ holds us back from our true potential. It keeps us from being POWERFUL.