One Year Into the Pandemic


Officially one year into the coronavirus pandemic, we are reflecting on how it has impacted our personal lives and the business we are building. 

Tuning in, you’ll find out how our team has grown and the challenges of scaling during a pandemic, what we have learned about navigating change, and what we are looking forward to in 2021. 

We also share our approach to growing our business ethically and responsibly, the reasons behind restructuring our offerings and creating new programs,  and why spending $100,000 on coaching was a worthwhile investment as well as our biggest takeaways from 2020—what we’d do again and what we’d do differently. 

Tune in to find out more! 

Here’s a peek at what else we discuss:

  • Before and after March 13, 2020; how the business and coaching platform has grown. 

  • Learn more about bootstrapping versus building a company that is funded. 

  • Hear about the successes of online format for the Thrive Online 2020 conference. 

  • Find out about the timeline of the development of the And She Spoke Podcast website. 

  • In addition to adding to their lives, they also went through a process of letting go; how it has allowed them to fully commit. 

  • The importance of being humans and friends before being business partners. 

  • Sandy’s big takeaway from 2020: the ability to do things when not fully trained or prepared. 

  • Jeni’s lesson from 2020: the strength and perseverance of her team in the face of adversity. 

  • The value of being willing to fail; if nothing else, you’ll have a great story to tell! 


This week’s Joy

Sandy finds the book “The Art of Feminism: Images that Shaped the Fight for Equality 1815-2017 By Helena Reckitt” so gorgeously created which shows remarkable artworks and touching stories of women.

This week’s Hustle

Jeni and Sandy are evangelists with paper notebooks but using the GoodNotes app on iPad which allows you to take notes, as well as search and share handwritten notes is ‘crazy and wild’.

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Know Your Numbers

In our business, we're big fans of financial literacy and accountability. Knowing your numbers is an essential aspect of building a successful business and inherent responsibility for any entrepreneur.

What you focus on grows, so pay attention to your money. We use Bench for our bookkeeping. It's simple, elegant, and saves us so many hours that would otherwise be spent neck-deep in receipts on the other side of a spreadsheet.

Each month our transactions are automatically imported into Bench and we get on-demand financial reports. We even enjoy opening up our profit and loss statement to review each month. When tax time comes around, we are up to date and ready to go. And this is what Financial Empowerment feels like.

Use this link to save 20% off your Bench Accounting plan for the first six months!

This podcast is brought to you by the Marvelous online teaching platform.

Marvelous is an easy-to-use platform that helps you build and sell your own courses memberships and live-streamed programs. Go from idea to open for business in just minutes. If you're looking for a simple, streamlined way to build and grow an online business. You can learn more at Marvelous.


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