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And She Spoke
An insider’s peek into the strategies and mental resilience it takes to create and run six- and seven-figure online businesses. As women entrepreneurs, only 2% of us will ever earn a million dollars. We’re on a mission to change that statistic by chronicling our journey and sharing our proven playbook.
Podcast Topics:
Mindset | Female Founders | Technology | Money | Online Strategy
Your $30K Ceiling
Most small businesses find themselves at a revenue ceiling that they simply cannot break out of. Generally speaking, if you have an existing community and some basic business understanding, you can get to $30K fairly easily. Generating substantially more revenue? Well, that’s another story.
Building Runway in Your Business
In the business world, “runway” is the amount of money or cash in hand that you have to cover future expenses. In this episode, we delve into this concept, why it’s absurd in a business that’s already generating an income, and why online businesses still need a buffer even though their overheads are low.
The 3 Most Common Pricing Mistakes
Finding the ideal pricing for your offer can be a fraught process, riddled with stress and self-doubt. This is especially true for young entrepreneurs who don’t yet have the confidence that comes with repeatedly demonstrating the true value of their product.
It also strongly applies to women, many of whom have been conditioned to undervalue themselves and prioritize the needs of others. That’s why today’s episode is all about cultivating the right mindset for pricing your offers.
When Your Bank Collapses
Today on the podcast, we discuss the collapse of the 16th largest bank in America, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). And who do we bank with, you might ask? SPOILER ALERT: Silicon Valley Bank.
What If Money Does Make You Happy?
You know that age-old saying, “Money can’t make you happy?” Well, we don’t think it's true. In this week’s episode of And She Spoke, we delve into five reasons why money does in fact contribute a huge amount to increasing our happiness.
What Creators Need to Know About Web3 and Crypto
In this week’s episode, we’re talking more about Web3, cryptocurrency, and why we as creators and business owners need to learn more about this industry.
Pricing & The Patriarchy
We often define our limits by what we think we’re capable of. And for many women in business, structural barriers—both internal and external—play a big role in how we create these fences for ourselves. In this week’s episode, we’re getting into the nitty-gritty of how the prevailing system dictates our money-mindsets as women, why the culture of undercharging is detrimental to the entrepreneurial landscape, and why we should rethink our capabilities with reference to money.
Women, Money, and Power
In September, a panel of five female founders got together for our annual Thrive Online fireside chat, Women, Money, and Power. We spoke candidly about the power of money and influence, feminist businesses, and finance. And this week’s episode is the complete and unadulterated discussion from that very panel! We’re extremely proud to present Kelly Diels (Feminist marketing teacher), Emily Howe (Founder of The American Association of Corporate Gender Strategists, Claire Wasserman (Founder of Ladies Get Paid), Naomi Scott Clark (Feminist marketing coach), and Amina AlTai (Leadership and mindfulness coach) as our guests for this episode!
Condos, RVs, and Money Mindset
Online business is a blessing. It’s not like we didn’t already know that (we’ve been in the industry for over a decade after all), but we’ve gained a newfound appreciation for it this past year. Join us as we talk about how online business has helped us fulfill our money-based goals, how spending the big bucks in your personal life can be a fantastic side-hustle opportunity, and how you can reform your mindset around big purchases.
Bonnie Koo and Defining Wealth For Women
Bonnie Koo is a dermatologist-turned-fulltime wealth coach, the founder of Wealthy Mom MD, and author of her upcoming book Defining Wealth For Women: (n.) Peace, Purpose, and Plenty of Cash. Her mission is to help female physicians grow and manage their money in a well-informed and confident way. In this week’s episode, Bonnie gives us a candid take on what she has learned through her role as a wealth coach. She breaks down why women don’t always have their own back while handling money, the social expectations surrounding wealth for practitioner-based careers, and the fear of judgement that bars many women from celebrating their successes with money.
The Debt Mindset
Most of us have been in debt at some point in our lives. Despite that, debt is still associated with shame. We’ve been socialized to believe that our debt is something we need to be ashamed of, that there’s something inherently wrong with us if we have to pay off loans. Which means we treat debt like a dirty secret. And it’s something we never talk about. In today’s episode, we’re sharing our own experiences with debt, what we learned from having to pay off 6 figures in student loans, why we think debt can be a good thing, and more!
Your Path to Wealth: Is it Blocked?
Your Path to Wealth: Is it Blocked? The way women think and feel about money is deeply influenced by our culture and society. We are held back by the generalizations society has labeled us with — women need to scrimp and save while men can (and should) build and acquire wealth. The effect this has on us has become deeply ingrained. We still hear it from many women. We still hear it in our communities. In this very personal episode, we talk about the past and the present of women and money. We speak our minds about the contrast between how men and women are socialized and how to break the cycle. The Mindset shifts needed to generate wealth and abundance mindset, the real cost of over-thinking your expenses, the importance of investing in yourself, and more.
At the Intersection of Personal Development and Personal Finance with Naomi Clark
The major reasons women struggle with making confident financial decisions are the patriarchy and debt-shaming culture
A Money Mindset Makeover with Amina AlTai
The Importance of Money Mindset in your Financial Success.
Championing the Financial Advancement of Women with Claire Wasserman
To 'level up' our careers, we have to take ownership of our worth! And that also means getting PAID what we're worth as well. It takes a significant shift to start seeing and valuing ourselves… and takes determination to keep fighting for what we're worth despite the opposition. What kind of resources and communities are out there for women struggling to claim their worth? And what can we do about it?
7 Reasons Why Your Business Isn’t Making Money
Sometimes entrepreneurship feels like a constant uphill climb but it is an endeavor that pays off in the long-run: it’s just about staying the course and ensuring that you get the basics right.
In today’s episode, Sandy and Jeni talk about some of the most common reasons why your business is not making as money as you would like.
You’ll learn more about the strategies and mindset shifts that are required to run a successful online business, starting with why focusing on one great offer (rather than trying to provide something for everyone on the planet) is key to success.
How to Negotiate with Alexandra Carter
When it comes to negotiation, many of us feel we don’t measure up. Maybe our fears of rejection or conflict get us to clam up and go with the flow… or we just feel inadequate in our knowledge and choose other -- harder -- approaches in life. But what if simply asking for what we NEED could benefit…everyone?
Tiffany Aliche and Bouncing Back from ‘Failure’
Today’s guest was love at first listen for us. Some people are so warm, friendly, and inspiring, that it’s impossible not to light up in their presence too. And Tiffany Aliche is all of that and more. America’s favorite Financial Educator, Tiffany has built a career off of educating women on understanding their finances and nurturing a positive relationship with money. The Tiffany we spoke to today was confident and self-assured. But she wasn’t always that way.
Denise Duffield Thomas and Money Lessons from Rose Farms
Who would’ve thought rose farms could teach you important lessons about money. But our guest, Denise Duffield Thomas, has us converted. A money mindset mentor and author, Denise is passionate about teaching women about money, helping them charge the right amount for their work, and getting them over that dreaded income plateau. Oh, and she also purchased a rose farm 18 months ago. As one does.
Allison Baggerly: Getting Honest About Money
As business owners, we’ve spent a lot of time with finance coaches, gurus, and budget advisors. And that’s why we can confidently say, we’ve never met someone quite like Allison Baggerly. Allison is a blogger, influencer, and the founder of Inspired Budget where she combines her passion for teaching and finance to help other women learn about managing their money. In our conversation with her, Allison was warm, funny, and seriously easy to talk to. But what really stood out to us was her honesty and vulnerability.