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And She Spoke
An insider’s peek into the strategies and mental resilience it takes to create and run six- and seven-figure online businesses. As women entrepreneurs, only 2% of us will ever earn a million dollars. We’re on a mission to change that statistic by chronicling our journey and sharing our proven playbook.
Podcast Topics:
Mindset | Female Founders | Technology | Money | Online Strategy
Our Thoughts on Burn-Out
What if the fear of burning out and overworking is actually causing the burnout? And what if working harder and smarter is the best way to avoid it?
Today on the And She Spoke Podcast, we are diving deep into our thoughts on burnout.
Our Take on Dope Shit
Why is the world so saturated with generic creations and mediocrity? Today we’re delving deep into an article written by Cole Schafer entitled, ‘Dope Shit’ and our take on how this mindset can lead us to do extraordinary work.
Women & the Subtle Art of Bullshitting
When observing the world of business, it’s apparent that refining the art of bullshitting is a skill that radiates confidence. But why are men seemingly innately good at it? And why do women need to get better at it? In today’s episode we dive into these questions and more.
How to Stop People Pleasing with Sara Fisk
Do you question every decision you make? Do you spend hours agonizing over what people will think of you or the actions you take in your business?
Luckily, today’s guest is an expert on people-pleasing who can help you learn to stop making other people comfortable at your own expense. Introducing Sara Fisk, the Stop People Pleasing Coach and host of the Ex-Good Girl Podcast.
The 3 Most Common Pricing Mistakes
Finding the ideal pricing for your offer can be a fraught process, riddled with stress and self-doubt. This is especially true for young entrepreneurs who don’t yet have the confidence that comes with repeatedly demonstrating the true value of their product.
It also strongly applies to women, many of whom have been conditioned to undervalue themselves and prioritize the needs of others. That’s why today’s episode is all about cultivating the right mindset for pricing your offers.
“My Business is Different”
You’re not a special snowflake, even though you might think you are.
Today on the show, we’re discussing exceptionalism and why this thought isn’t helpful for the growth of your business.
Business is a Marathon
Preparing for a marathon is all fun and games but as soon as you have to start training when you aren’t motivated, it can feel like a tedious chore.
In this episode of And She Spoke, we compare launching an online business to running a marathon to help you prepare for success!
Imposter Syndrome
For many women in the business and entrepreneurship world, being “diagnosed” with imposter syndrome is a very real and commonly-experienced phenomenon.
But is it something that needs to be diagnosed in the first place?
In this episode, we take a deep dive exploring an article published in the Harvard Business Review entitled, ‘Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome.’
How to Get Coached
In this week’s episode of And She Spoke, we talk about how to hear and implement advice.
We believe there are things we can do to prepare ourselves to get ready to receive and successfully implement feedback about your business.
Business Heresy + Why It Matters
Today on the And She Spoke Podcast, we discuss how to respond in a responsible, professional, but self-asserting manner to critics. Whether it’s about what you’re doing on social media, or with your actual products or services, a negative judgment will eventually come your way.
56 Lessons We’ve Learned from DudeBro™ Marketers, Startup-DudeBros™, and Assorted PowerfulMen™
Since starting our company, we’ve had some really interesting conversations about the vast difference between how men and women do things in the business space. Most female business owners we know (including ourselves), for example, actively work on their money mindset, struggle to trust their decisions, and have perfectionist tendencies…
The Value of a Wife Part II
Today, we’re revisiting a conversation that we began about three years ago when we published episode 126: The Value Of A Wife. And in this one, we discuss Sandy’s recent step back from trying to take care of her home alone. We get into how opening a dialogue about the situation with her loved ones has made a difference and what she did when she realized that she just couldn’t fold everybody’s socks anymore.
Peloton, Promises, and People Pleasing
No matter what you do, there are going to be clients who don’t agree with you. And sometimes, they won’t just be trolls on the internet. They’ll be long-term, loyal, paying clients who decide to stop supporting you the minute you make a decision that doesn’t align with their beliefs. How do you deal with long-term clients turning their back on you? How do you respond when constructive feedback crosses over to negativity? And why does this happen in the first place? Those are just some of the questions we’re looking to answer in today’s episode.
Can You Grow Your Business Without Social Media?
In this week’s episode, we’re dissecting the relationship business owners have with social media, how to overcome the mindset blocks that stop you from sharing what you want online, and how to make sure negativity doesn’t sabotage the work you’re meant to do!
Why Debt Doesn’t Have to Be a Dirty Word
How many of you are afraid to start (or scale) your business because you’re afraid of going into debt? If you have your hand up, we get it. After all, no one wants to put $5,000 on their credit cards to spend on bags, shoes, or clothing. So, why would we take that risk for our business? In today’s And She Spoke episode, we want to break down why that train of thought is deeply flawed.
Roxanne Francis & Dealing With Burnout
Roxanne Francis, psychotherapist and co-owner of Francis Psychotherapy and Consulting Services, not only dealt with this, but made active steps to transform the narrative around her self worth. On this week’s episode, she’s chatting about the symptoms of burnout, the narrative around women and perfectionism, and how we need to change the narrative for the next generation of women after us.
Emilia Van Hauen and the Case for Unruliness
All our lives, we’ve been conditioned to believe that being unruly was social suicide - the opposite of how we needed to act if we wanted to be loved by our peers, respected by our colleagues, and cared for by our partners. But, what if we told you that the world needs unruly women now more than ever? According to Emilia, for society to find equilibrium, women need to stop suppressing themselves and start embracing their ‘unruly’ sides. After all, the only way we can grow newer, better, more inclusive communities is if we destroy the systems that aren’t working and lean into what makes each one of us unique.
Pricing & The Patriarchy
We often define our limits by what we think we’re capable of. And for many women in business, structural barriers—both internal and external—play a big role in how we create these fences for ourselves. In this week’s episode, we’re getting into the nitty-gritty of how the prevailing system dictates our money-mindsets as women, why the culture of undercharging is detrimental to the entrepreneurial landscape, and why we should rethink our capabilities with reference to money.
Condos, RVs, and Money Mindset
Online business is a blessing. It’s not like we didn’t already know that (we’ve been in the industry for over a decade after all), but we’ve gained a newfound appreciation for it this past year. Join us as we talk about how online business has helped us fulfill our money-based goals, how spending the big bucks in your personal life can be a fantastic side-hustle opportunity, and how you can reform your mindset around big purchases.
Bonnie Koo and Defining Wealth For Women
Bonnie Koo is a dermatologist-turned-fulltime wealth coach, the founder of Wealthy Mom MD, and author of her upcoming book Defining Wealth For Women: (n.) Peace, Purpose, and Plenty of Cash. Her mission is to help female physicians grow and manage their money in a well-informed and confident way. In this week’s episode, Bonnie gives us a candid take on what she has learned through her role as a wealth coach. She breaks down why women don’t always have their own back while handling money, the social expectations surrounding wealth for practitioner-based careers, and the fear of judgement that bars many women from celebrating their successes with money.