Listen to our podcast
And She Spoke
An insider’s peek into the strategies and mental resilience it takes to create and run six- and seven-figure online businesses. As women entrepreneurs, only 2% of us will ever earn a million dollars. We’re on a mission to change that statistic by chronicling our journey and sharing our proven playbook.
Podcast Topics:
Mindset | Female Founders | Technology | Money | Online Strategy
Beating Perfection Paralysis
Remember when you’d work your tush off just so that you get handed a shiny gold star in front of the whole class? Yeah, us too. Our theory is that this behavior is why so many women in business identify as perfectionists today. When we had a show of hands in our community, there were SO many of you who identified as loud and proud perfectionists…
How to Make Better Decisions
On an average day, we make 35,000 decisions. It can be as simple as deciding what to wear, or what to eat for breakfast, or something a little consequential like deciding to diversify your business revenue streams, or as tense as dealing with conflict. As entrepreneurs, our power comes from being decisive. Making a decision, following through, and knowing when to pivot.