Growing a Podcast with Millions of Downloads with Abagail Pumphrey


“A podcast is primarily a nurture channel. It is not a discoverability channel for the majority.” — Abagail Pumphrey”

CEO and Co-Founder Abagail Pumphrey is passionate about supporting her clients on their journey to financial freedom. Boss Project is her an all-in-one digital agency designed to help grow your online revenue.

She joins us to share what it’s like to transition from partnership to CEO, what it takes to have a growing, viral podcast, and what she does every week to ensure her show tops the charts.

This episode is packed with plenty of tips and tricks Abagail has picked up along the way, from treating podcast titles as though they are SEO-rich titles and knowing your audience to listening to published episodes for improvement.

We touch on whether or not there is a place for AI support in the world of podcasting, the role of show notes and transcripts, and catering to your specific audience. Abagail also dives into her preparation process and how it has changed since she became a solo host.

Here’s a sneak peek of what we discuss:

  • Abagail shares what it’s been like to go from being a partnership to solo ownership.

  • What makes a successful podcast and why Abagail struck at exactly the right time. 

  • Why it is powerful to treat podcast titles like they are an SEO-rich title.

  • Where Boss Project informs her audience that new podcast content has been published. 

  • The role of show notes and whether or not including a transcript is worth it. 

  • How Abagail’s preparation process has changed.

  • Why she doesn’t re-record episodes and how she listens for improvement.

  • How she balances marketing and entertainment. 

  • Her running list of podcast ideas and her advice to those feeling stuck.

  • Where she integrates batching into her process. 

  • Her relationship with AI tools and what she recommends. 

  • Being mindful about how your specific audience consumes content and how to reach them.

joy: Get outside for a nature break

HUSTLE: OpusClip


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